The 14th edition of the Taobuk Literary Festival, scheduled from June 20 to 24, will welcome high school students, who are annually given ample space for participation. Being present at Taobuk is an opportunity for students to experience cultural enrichment, actively engaging in the five days of the Festival. From reading projects and literary contests to video reviews on social media and masterclasses, Taobuk aims to provide a stimulating and engaging educational journey for young participants.

Activities for Reading and Social Engagement Reserved for High Schools
“ADOPT AN AUTHOR” Reading Project and TikTok Contest
“Adopt an Author” is the name of the reading project that Taobuk 2024 dedicates to students, aiming to suggest narrative paths that intersect current themes and issues, with a focus on some of the most interesting recent literary and editorial cases.
The authors represented in the project and guests at Taobuk 2024 are:
- Alessandro Baricco, con Abel (Feltrinelli), 2023
- Viola Di Grado, con Marabbecca (La nave di Teseo), 2024
- Roberta Scorranese, con A questo serve il corpo. Viaggio nell’arte attraverso i corpi delle donne (Bompiani), 2023
- Massimo Sideri, con Il Visconte Cibernetico (Luiss University Press), 2023
- Costanza DiQuattro, con L’ira di Dio (Baldini & Castoldi), 2024
As an integral part of the reading project, Taobuk invites students to take center stage in the program of the fourteenth edition by participating in the TikTok contest. This contest will award the best video review, and winners will have the opportunity to meet and interview the author of the reviewed book.
How to join
Reviews can be published in video format through participants’ TikTok accounts with the hashtag #Taobuk, indicating the name of their institution, or submitted in text format via email to
From March 1st to May 15th, reviews can be submitted using the methods described above.
The jury
The reviews will be viewed and judged by a distinguished jury tasked with selecting a winner for each reviewed author. The jury will be chaired by Antonella Ferrara, President of the Taobuk Festival, and composed of Lucia Maria Sciuto, Principal of the “Concetto Marchesi” Classical and Scientific High School I.I.S. in Mascalucia, as the lead school of the TaobukTeen 2024 project, along with representatives from the publishing industry and cultural outreach.
Students will have the opportunity to participate in educational stages represented by three paths:
– **Organization Curriculum**: A practical immersion in the organization of cultural events, guided by Dr. Alfio Bonaccorso, Executive Director of Taobuk. This stage offers valuable hands-on experience in planning and managing cultural events.
– **Communication Curriculum**: An opportunity to explore the importance of effective communication in determining the success of a cultural event. Under the expert guidance of Dr. Caterina Andò, Member of the Taobuk Scientific Committee, students will have the chance to refine their communication skills.
– **Creative Writing Curriculum**: A journey into the world of creative writing led by writer Laura Toscano, providing students with inspiration and practical tools to develop their narrative and creative abilities.
Here are the schools participating:
- Liceo Statale “Archimede”, located in Acireale (CT).
- Istituto Istruzione Superiore “Leonardo”, located in Giarre (CT).
- Istituto Istruzione Superiore “C. Marchesi”, located in Mascalucia (CT).
- Istituto Istruzione Superiore “La Farina Basile”, located in Messina.
- Liceo Statale Scientifico “Sciascia Fermi”, located in Sant’Agata di Militello (ME).
- Istituto Tecnico Commerciale “Pugliatti”, located in Taormina (ME).
- Liceo Scientifico Statale “Archimede”, located in Messina.
- Liceo Statale Felice Bisazza, located in Messina.
- Liceo Scientifico Statale “Enrico Boggio Lera”, located in Catania.
- Liceo Statale Scientifico “Luigi Einaudi”, located in Siracusa.
- Istituto Tecnico Commerciale Statale Luigi Sturzo, located in Gela (CL).
- Liceo Classico “M. Cutelli e C. Salanitro”, located in Catania.
- Liceo Classico IIS Amari, located in Giarre.