A record edition

Identity 2024

From 20 to 24 June 2024, more than 200 well-known guests from over 30 countries – writers, artists, scientists, intellectuals, politicians and economists – met to discuss identity, understand its problematicity, share its richness and reverse it, in fundamental aspects, perception and definition. The intent was to recover its meaning by keeping at the center of our relationship with each other.
A multidisciplinary reflection that celebrated the union between literature and the other arts, opening, at the same time, medicine, science, geopolitics.

For the ninth consecutive year, the Festival has produced for RAI 1 the format Taobuk Gala, conducted by Antonella Ferrara and Massimiliano Ossini. The event, scheduled for Saturday, June 22 in the frame of the Ancient Theatre of Taormina, counted a live audience of almost 5,000 people and aired on July 3 in the second evening on RAI 1, totaling a share of 400,000 spectators.

Taobuk welcomed guests of international fame, present exclusively for Italy, including the Nobel Prize for Literature Jon Fosse, American writers Jonathan Safran Foer and Glenn Cooper, the Serbian artist Marina Abramovic, the Spanish writers Fernando Aramburu and Rosario Villajos, as well as the acrobatic dance ensemble Momix with its artistic director Moses Pendleton. Also relevant are the institutional presences that took part in the debate, among which there are: Gennaro Sangiuliano, Minister of Culture; Matteo Piantedosi, Minister of the Interior; Renato Schifani, President of the Sicilian Region; Paolo Gentiloni, European Commissioner for the Economy.