Saturday 22 June - Time 09:30

Artificial Intelligence for Life Sciences and Made in Italy. Opening ceremony

Edited by Carmen Mortellaro
In collaboration with the University of Messina.

The life sciences

Biotechnology, nutraceuticals, pharmaceuticals, neuroscience, biomedical technology and medtech are just a few
of the many variations of the Life Science sector, at the top in Italy for competitiveness, productivity and
investments in R&D. A sector, that of life sciences, which sees the Made in Italy among the protagonists
globally in the definition of medicine of the future: predictive, preventive, personalized and

The life science sector deals with research, development and production of health-related goods, with the aim
the placing on the market, and therefore the marketing thereof, of devices and solutions
technology with high added value. Artificial Intelligence is a revolution in this field,
increasingly playing a pivotal role. In addition, biotechnology, the pharmaceutical industry and that of devices
medical represent one of the high-tech Italian sectors that constitute the true engine of the
growth and competitiveness of the nation.
Italy is, in fact, one of the main European countries that invests in innovation and technology in the field of
medical, thanks to the work of established companies and startups. Demonstrating the strength of the
sector is the ability of this sector to withstand the economic crisis of recent years, giving a great
contribution to the economy with a value of the industry that corresponds to about 10% of the Gross Domestic Product