Friday 21 June - Time 11:00

Identity as a geopolitical weapon

In collaboration with the Italian Representation of the European Commission and LUISS University.

V Observatory on Europe and the Mediterranean

Unfortunately, the perception and the very idea of identity, to be defended or asserted, can foment divisions and even conflicts. Although the tumultuous relationship between identity and geopolitics is not new, recent situations have shown how crucial it is to understand the role of identity as a geopolitical weapon. What impact has the Brexit phenomenon had on British identity before and after the UK’s official exit from the EU? How did the defense of the American Dream influence Trump’s election in 2016 and the current election campaign? What role does identity play in the Iranian, Ukrainian and Israeli-Palestinian context? What effect does this have on the creation of new identities in the West?

Moderated by Michele Groppi, King’s College London.