Saturday 22 June - Time 17:00

Identity flows

The Mediterranean and the Arab world between challenges, opportunities, approaches.
In collaboration with the Italian Representation of the European Commission and LUISS University.

V Observatory on Europe and the Mediterranean

The Mediterranean remains one of the most complex geopolitical areas at the international level. Federico Rampini in his The New Arab Empire (Solferino) tells a context that wants to relaunch its international role, redefining the scenarios of the Euro-Mediterranean area. So what is the new face of the Mediterranean basin, what are the new challenges and opportunities? In this sense, what role does the Arab world play, the historic crossroads for Europe? A journey between cultures and identity to understand the relationship between East and West, also in the light of a new approach to migration policies based on the right balance between hospitality, security and integration.

In dialogue with Elvira Terranova, adnkronos.