Friday 21 June - Time 20:00

The audience is the sacred space of the performance

The continuous rediscovery of identities

Identity in the mirror

The continuous rediscovery of “Performance is, by its nature, an immaterial form, that takes you really beyond. It can transform you as a person and change who you
assists and participates”. It is this unshakeable faith that has made Marina Abramović one of the greatest personalities of art and culture in the world for over half a century. “Grandmother of the performing art”, as she herself defines herself, the Serbian artist analyzes the sense of human relationships in that ability to rely on others, in the availability to an interaction that is constantly rediscovered of the identity of own and others. For Abramović, Taobuk Award 2024, “the audience is the sacred place of performance”.

In dialogue with

Roberta Scorranese, Corriere della Sera.

Arturo Galansino, General Director of Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi