Thursday 20 June - Time 18:00


Where does the politics of illusions lead?


“Stay away from politics,” his mother always told him. Perhaps that’s why Mario Monti remained outside the world of political parties. Yet, he has always been driven by a political intention in his own way: to make Italy more European. Mario Monti, the man chosen by President Giorgio Napolitano in 2011 to form a new crisis-fighting technocratic government, is telling his story for the first time. He does so in his own style, with the ironic yet clear and practical approach that has always characterized him. In his book “Demagonia: Where Does the Politics of Illusions Lead?” (Solferino Publisher), he speaks out on major contemporary issues: from the European agenda to constitutional reform, from competition between continental blocs to nationalism.

* Joining remotely, Sylvie Goulard, former Member of the European Parliament, author of “L’Europe enfla si bien qu’elle creva,” soon to be published in Italy as well.

Massimo Sideri, Corriere della Sera.