Paolo Valentino

Paolo Valentino

PAOLO VALENTINO (Giardini-Naxos, 1956), from 1984 to «Corriere della Sera», was correspondent from Brussels, Moscow, Berlin, Washington, recounting the major events of the last thirty years: the fall of the USSR, the end of Helmut Kohl, the red-green governments in Germany, Barack Obama’s election to the White House. Graduated in Political Science at the Cesare Alfieri Faculty of the University of Florence, student of Ezio Tarantelli and Mario Draghi, in 1989 he won the Nieman Fellowship, the most prestigious scholarship of American journalism, at Harvard University. During his career he interviewed, among others, Helmut Schmidt, Helmut Kohl, Gerhard Schröder, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Vladimir Putin and Hassan Rouhani.