Nicola Leone

Nicola Leone

Nicola Leone has been a full professor of computer science at the University of Calabria since 2000. Prior to this position, he worked as a professor at the Technische Universitaet Wien in Austria and as a researcher at CNR and CRAI in the 1990s.

His research ranges from Artificial Intelligence to Databases, with a focus on Answer Set Programming (ASP) and the use of Logic for the Representation of Knowledge and Reasoning. He designed the DLV artificial intelligence system, used worldwide and also tested at CERN in Geneva and NASA.

He was Director of the Department of Mathematics and Informatics and Coordinator of the PhD in Mathematics and Informatics at the University of Calabria for several years. He also coordinated the Council of Bachelor in Computer Science. Nicola Leone has more than 250 publications cited in over 11,000 scientific articles, with an H-Index of 54 on Google-Scholar.

He received numerous scientific awards, including the “Mendelzon Test-of-Time Award” from ACM in 2009 and the “EurAI Fellow” in 2012. In 2019 he was nominated “honorarprofessor” at the Technische Universitaet Wien and member of the Academia Europaea in Barcelona.