Miguel Angel Fernandez Palacios Martinez

Miguel Angel Fernandez Palacios Martinez

The new ambassador of Spain to Italy is the diplomat Miguel Ángel Fernández-Palacios Martínez, until now Spain’s representative to NATO. The new Spanish ambassador in Rome, born Las Palmas de Gran Canaria in 1965, sent by the current Spanish government, arrived in the Italian capital almost simultaneously with the change of government and the installation of the Government of Giorgia Meloni, in autumn 2022.
Fernández-Palacios is a doctor of law with a degree from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid; he entered the diplomatic career in 1994.
The new Spanish ambassador in Italy has received the direction of AISPI Associazione Ispanisti Italiani, to strengthen the link with many scholars who dedicate their work to Hispanic culture.
Amb. Fernández-Palacios replaces Alfonso Dastis, who is now head of the diplomatic mission in Hungary.