Marco Minniti

Marco Minniti

Marco Minniti is president of the Leonardo Med-Or foundation, created by Leonardo to promote relations with the Mediterranean and the East. He was Minister of the Interior during the Gentiloni government, from 12 December 2016 to 1 June 2018. In addition, he served as Under-Secretary of State to the Prime Minister, Under-Secretary to the Ministry of Defence and Deputy Minister of the Interior. Elected to the Senate in the 2013 general election, he was then appointed undersecretary to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers with responsibility for the secret services in the Letta government and later in the Renzi government. In the 2018 general election he was re-elected to the Chamber of Deputies. He then resigned in 2021 to drive Med-Or. In 2018 he published the essay Security is Freedom.