Luciano Violante, former magistrate, university lecturer and Italian politician, was President of the Anti-Mafia Parliamentary Commission from 1992 to 1994 and of the Chamber of Deputies from 1996 to 2001. Born in Dire Dawa, Ethiopia, graduated from the University of Bari, where he was an assistant to Aldo Moro, he has long taught Criminal Law at the University of Turin. He has published numerous publications, including Il ciclo mafioso (2004), Lettera ai giovani sulla Costituzione (2006), Magistrati (2009), Politica e menzogna (2013), Il dovere di avere doveri (2014), Democrazie senza memoria (2017), Giustizia e mito (with Marta Cartabia, 2018) and strike first. La lotta alla mafia spiegato ai giovani (2019). For Bollati Boringhieri he published Cantata per i bambini morti di mafia (1994).
Luciano Violante