Germano Dottori

Germano Dottori

Germano Dottori, born in Rome on May 31, 1964, is an expert in international politics and security. Graduated in Political Science at the Luiss-Guido Carli in Rome in 1990 with a vote of 110/110 and praise, he has a long academic and professional career.

From 1994 to 2016 he was assistant and then professor of Strategic Studies at the Department of Political Studies of Luiss-Guido Carli. Subsequently, he became a lecturer in the BA in International Studies at the Link-Campus University of Malta in Rome, where he held the position of Holder of the Chair of International Security for four academic years.

In parallel with his academic work, he worked as a parliamentary advisor specializing in foreign policy, defence policy and internal security from 1996 to 2018. He was also Secretary General and co-founder of the Centre for Strategic Studies and International Politics at the Luiss-Guido Carli, assuming the presidency in 2011.

Doctors has actively contributed to public debate through participation in numerous international conferences and meetings, including the International Visiting Program of the US State Department in 2001 and conferences sponsored by NATO. He was also a moderator and speaker at various events on geopolitics and security.

In addition, he has published several books and essays on geopolitical and security issues, also contributing as a curator and co-author of specialized magazines. His vast experience and expertise have given him an important role in the analysis and debate on international issues.