Dario Tomasello

Dario Tomasello

Dario Tomasello teaches History of Performance and Theatre and Culture of Contemporary Italy at the University of Messina, where he coordinates the DAMS and directs the International Center for Studies on the Performativity of Arts and Social Imagery (UNIVERSITEATRALI). He translated and edited Richard Schechner’s Introduction to Performance Studies (CUE Press, 2018).
He directs for Publishing & Entertainment the series FARETESTO, dedicated to a repertoire of texts of contemporary Italian dramaturgy.
Since 2011 he has been editor of the magazine A: “Mantichora. Italian Journal of Performance Studies”.
He has been visiting professor at the Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris III and has lectured in many Italian and international universities and institutions (including: Nanterre – Paris X; Columbia University; State University of New York; New York University; Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Chicago; Katholieke Universiteit Leuven; Gent University).
His latest volume is entitled Playtelling. Performance narrative nell’Italia contemporanea (Marsilio, 2021).