Carlo Cottarelli, economist, directs the Observatory on Italian public accounts of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart and teaches at the same University. Graduated in Economics and Banking at the University of Siena and with a master’s degree in Economics at the London School of Economics, he worked in the Studies Service of the Bank of Italy (1981-1987) and at Eni (1987-1988). He was Director of Tax Affairs of the International Monetary Fund (2008-2013), Special Commissioner for Public Expenditure Review (2013-2014) and Executive Director on the Board of the International Monetary Fund. His most recent books include: The Seven Deadly Sins of the Italian Economy (Feltrinelli, 2018), Pachidermi and parrots. Tutti le bufale sull’economia a cui continuiamo a credere (Feltrinelli, 2019), All’inferno e ritorno. For our social and economic rebirth (Feltrinelli, 2021) and Chimere. Dreams and failures of the economy (Feltrinelli, 2023).
Carlo Cottarelli