Alessandra Priante

Alessandra Priante

Alessandra Priante has a degree in Business Administration from Luigi Bocconi University, an Executive MBA from Luiss Guido Carli University and a European Master in Audiovisual Management. He successfully combined his extensive experience in corporate finance and M&A operations, developed within international investment banks with his cultural experience, entering since 2002 at the Ministry of Culture – Directorate for Cinema, with the task of restructuring public finances for the cultural sector. As a main result, it created the first National Statistical Unit in the audiovisual sector, focusing on the design, design and implementation of the most important sectoral reforms. Firmly believing in the importance of international networks and the power of institutional relations, he created several international think tanks and has also represented Italy in all international and European cultural institutions. As an expert also in the Middle East, she was appointed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the period 2010-2015 in the role of Cultural Expert of the Government for the Gulf area (United Arab Emirates, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait)to promote Italian culture and education.

Con 6 lingue all’attivo, è stata a capo delle relazioni internazionali multilaterali (UNWTO, OCSE e EUROPA) e del dialogo di policy turistica per il Ministero italiano delle politiche alimentari, agricole e forestali e del turismo e attualmente è Direttore del Regional Department for Europe al World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). Ha inoltre partecipato attivamente al lavoro di ricerca e analisi dietro la preparazione del Piano strategico nazionale per il turismo 2017-2022, approvato all’inizio del 2017.

In linea con la sua preparazione accademica e l’attitudine alla ricerca, Alessandra ha all’attivo numerose pubblicazioni di settore e libri e ha insegnato management culturale e analisi audiovisiva internazionale presso alcune delle principali università in Italia per studenti post-laurea.

Alessandra ama il cinema, la musica, il turismo, l’arte e la cultura. Adora il suo Paese e la sua famiglia.