Thursday 20 June - Time 19:00

Elvira and Amanda, story of a friendship

Travel aboard the Sea Paradise.

Identical to who?

Everything sparkles, dazzles and seduces in Sea Paradise, a luxury cruise ship that promises everything. Anything you could want is right there. There is no money on board, everyone is equal: the ideal of social equity seems to have been, as if by magic, realized. Between passengers two seventy years. Two women. Two friends, first of all. Elvira and Amanda. They retrace themselves, their lives, their dreams, their identities. Different, yet united by a destiny that seems they cannot escape. Behind the golden dream, there is death: everyone knows that at this turn or the next will come. It is the way the state has decided to deal with the old: a program of energy containment of the planet. Eleonora Lombardo, in Sea Paradise (Sellerio), tells in person a reality closer to us than you can imagine. Will friendship, poetry, memory, freedom – underground threads that run through the whole novel – be enough to save themselves?

In dialogue with Cristina Cassar Scalia, writer.