Saturday 22 June - Time 16:15

Artificial intelligence, welfare and society: the future of modern medicine with man at the centre

In collaboration with Catania Industrie – Reale Mutua.

The life sciences

Technology can help improve medicine, health and the discovery of new drugs. But it is important that the development of artificial intelligence is followed very closely, so as to avoid that machines learn first and independently from us, with the risk of not being able to direct them for the good of man and the future of humanity. Giuseppe Remuzzi in his Le sanguisughe di Giulietta. And other stories about the progress (and contradictions) of medicine (Solferino) guide us to understand the complexity of progress in medicine and the giant steps in health and technology, always keeping man at the center. This is also fundamental in the world of welfare, care and prevention. The new strategies explored inaugurate new ideas, solutions and technological models in favor of the independence of the dependent person: from remote monitoring of therapies to contact with caregivers, from reporting medical care to helping with household chores. A concrete and revolutionary impact on the social and medical level, with man at the center.

With an intervention of

Marco Mazzucco
CEO, Blue Assistance and Life and Welfare Director, Royal Mutual Insurance

Moderate Francesco Santocono, journalist and writer.